is no longer a lunch date or phone call away, and that breaks my heart when i really think about how deeply i will miss her always being here for me. but i was privileged and so blessed to have had so many years with her and now she is with jesus and that is really something to celebrate. we shared a very close and special relationship. i will never forget the many ways she influenced who i am today-- love friends like family, treat yourself to a new outfit from time to time, stand up for what your are passionate about, and be generous with your life, love, resources, and talents. tuesday morning she passed away and tomorrow we will celebrate her life at her memorial service.
i love you gram!!
On October 25, 2011 we lost a strong, fun, feisty, and loved
member of our close family. Mildred “Millie” Terrabassi passed away to
congestive heart disease after 95 years of caring for every one of us. “I am so
blessed to have been loved so truly and so deeply.” These simple words by her
granddaughter, Stephanie, encompass how Millie lived each and every day of her
life. The love she showed to each individual person in her life brought warmth
to the hearts of everyone who knew her.
Mildred Terrabassi was born August 29, 1916 in Kingston,
Nova Scotia. From an early age, however, if you called her by her given name
she would quickly correct you. “The name is Millie,” she would say. She made
her opinions clear and was not ashamed to tell you, and show you, the things
she cared mostly deeply about: her family, her faith, beautiful clothes,
crunchy Cheetos, peanut M&Ms, giving generous gifts, toasted sandwiches, and
fashion advise.
Millie’s love for her family went beyond the typical family
relationship. Every member of her family felt profoundly special to her. After a
common family get together, each person
would leave with a token of how important they were to her life. Her son in-law,
Mike, would walk away smelling of White Diamonds perfume and feeling like he
was the best “white” pizza maker in the world, the way she lavished over it.
Her granddaughter, Stephanie, would walk away with the feeling she had just
spent time with her best friend, someone who had been by her side and loved
every important moment in her life. Her great-grandson, Jack, would leave with
red lipstick all over his smiling face and a lollipop in hand that he found
tucked away in Gram Millie’s purse… saved just for him. Her
great-granddaughter, Olivia, would leave feeling like the most beautiful girl
in the world, because that is what she was told by Gram Millie every day. She
would have the prettiest dress tucked under her arm and a matching bow already
in her hair. Her grandson, Sean, would leave knowing it wouldn’t be long before
Millie called his phone, wanting to know how his day went. Even though he just
left her, she wanted to keep up with every aspect of his life. Her daughter,
Nancy, would leave knowing the strength her mother showed everyone else was
passed down especially to her, a legacy she will always cherish.
Millie leaves her loved ones behind to join her husband,
Terry, of 67 years and her son, Bobby, in God’s kingdom. While missed greatly,
she will never be forgotten as the memories, the unconditional love, the
lipstick stains, and the scent of her perfume will linger for a lifetime.