Saturday, December 27, 2008

a precious gift...

when we arrived at home after a long day of celebrating with our families we got ready to put the kids to bed. mark and i were focused and just wanted to get the house back in order. as i was helping olivia into her bed i received the most precious gift of all... olivia said, "mommy, i think we should read the story about baby jesus before i go to sleep." my response was, "that is great idea olivia." i was thinking, "of course that is how we should end the day! how come i didn't think of this?" what a true blessing that my 3 year old, after a day filled with excitement and new toys, wanted to read about jesus. as we finished reading the story of baby jesus, i kissed her good night. i closed her door and i thanked god for the many precious memories that we had made that day, but i was most grateful for the precious heart of my little girl that reminded me of the real reason that we celebrate christmas- jesus!