Sunday, September 7, 2008

the first day of preschool in review...

olivia started preschool on september 3. she has been going to "mothers day out" for several years, but now she is old enough to be in preschool. we went to meet the teacher the day before her first offical day of school. she was very confused as to why she could not stay longer and why i was at school with her, so she at drop off the next day she walked right in and waved good-bye. this being the first time i have done drop off because i used to work on her school days, did not go so smoothly for me. i was not emotional, just a bit scattered. i didn't prepare as much the night before because in my head i was going to have plenty of time the next morning, wrong!!! i must have forgotten that i now have a baby that has to also be fed, held, changed, and make it in the car with us. so due to my poor planning, we were rushing out the door, quickly snapping pictures to capture the occasion, and speeding to school. we did make it on time so i was thinking all was well, but nooooo! when we got there i realized i forgot the two special items for the first day the teacher requested- a family picture and olivia's favorite stuffed animal- larry the lion. i had to explain to olivia that i forgot these items and i was so sorry. she patted my sholder and said, "it's ok mommy. i will be alright." then turned around and ran to sit down at the table to begin her artwork. at that moment, i let out a sigh of relief and thought, i have the best 2.75 year old ever! how did i get so lucky today?! notice i thought today.
as expected her first day was great! she created picnic art with stamps and stickers, loved eating out of her new lunch box, played on the playground with her cousin kingsley, sang songs, and took a good nap- at least that is what she has told me. i am confident that we are going to have another great year, and i am hoping that i will get better at this morning routine.

the only good pic i was able to capture- olivia with her school bag all packed, well minus a few items that i forgot.

olivia's teacher is super great and has created a website to post pictures, blog about the happenings, etc. if you would like to check it out click HERE and email for the password. i must be respect the privacy of all the other kiddos in her class.


Nana/Mom/Nancy said...

So glad the first day went well and Olivia understands so well that you are one BUSY mom! I loved's OK Mommy!

So glad you're back blogging - I love reading about my loves.

Anonymous said...

Aw! I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. Congratulations on this milestone!

Becca said...

Ok, stories like this make me feel like I'm not the only one! I have about 10 sticky notes all over my kitchen reminding me of all the things to put in the kid's backpacks - and I still seem to always leave something out!

Love the precious picture (very stylish tights!).

Rogers Family said...

We have all been there and actually I feel like I am like that everyday. You are a great mommy and what a sweet sweet girl you have.

MISTY and CO... said...

that bag is HUGE....i love me some steph bowlin!! did O carry in her bag....heeee....heeee! a gemini after my own heart!

Missy said...

way to go olivia! i am so thrilled it went well. i forgot stuff all the time. kindergarten is a whip when it comes to paperwork and remembering things. speaking of. . .i am supposed to bring raisins on wednesday!!!
