Sunday, October 12, 2008

i've been tagged!!

this is not the first time, but it is the first time i am going to do it. it seems fun and i don't really have anything else to blog about these days. as you can tell by the fact that i blogged about apples the other day. i was tagged by my good friend misty.

These are the rules;
1. Link to the person who tagged you misty
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write six random thoughts about yourself
4. Tag six or so people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted

random thoughts about the world of stephanie....
1. i clean out the refrigerator before putting new groceries away. the thought of putting new food with old food weirds me out!
2. i never take out my contacts, yet terrified of getting lasik so that i would never have to deal with them again. my dr. is alway telling me that i am going to do more damage by never taking the contacts out than the laser would ever do, but i am still not convinced.
3. i met my wonderful husband in high school. i thought he was super annoying the first time we met, but my opinion quickly changed. :)
4. i organize our dvds in alphabetical order. this seems very logical to me, but i have mentioned to a few people and apparently is it a bit strange.
5. my favorite things in life besides god and my family are... sharpie markers, my label maker, diet coke, my iPhone, and mac book.
6. i was in choir for years, but i can't sing harmony or really at all. why didn't anyone tell me? well, my husband finally did!

now, for those I'm tagging; be careful out there because YOU'RE IT!! no seriously, you will not have bad luck for 7 years or anything, but it would be fun to hear 6 "quirky" things about you.

i'm tagging:

3. kim


kinsey said...

#1 and #2 are SO me too. i did this tag back in the summer...pretty sure i even tagged you on it and you didn't do it!! BOOOO!!! but i am up to do it again. check back soon :-)

Shelly said...

I love learning those things about you! Fun! I remember your Mom always had a large stock pile of Diet Coke in your pantry...I love it too! I think about her sometimes when I put mine away in my pantry!